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Inner Movements


Inner Movements

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917342321
Catnr: CR 73423
Release date: 07 April 2016
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73423
Release date
07 April 2016

"''Music that has its own idendity. Maryturi sounds like a well-oiled machine that has got a beautiful future laid out for them''"

Jazzenzo, 17-6-2016

About the album

Marutyri is a Rotterdam based, instrumental fusion band. The band got off to a flying start since their founding in September 2014. Marutyri played on the prestigious North Sea Jazz Festival in 2015, were several times invited to the popular Dutch TV-show De Wereld Draait Door and they won the NPO Radio 6 Soul & Jazz Award for Best Talent. The deep and solid grooves, intense harmonies, story telling solo’s, and well arranged parts make Marutyri unique in the tougher-than-ever music business. How did this band become successful on such short notice? Well, delivering hard work on not only their compositions, but also making stunning live video’s and putting thought in a deadline based strategy, turned out to be highly effective. Most of the compositions, arrangements and project planning come from band leader and bass player Rik van der Ouw. The band shares artistic ideas, works hard and focussed and then sends their music off to the world.
With Inner Movements the band introduces the listener to a new chapter. It has brand new pieces that sound more orchestral, heavier and darker at some points. The compositions contain deeper grooves, odd meter signatures and solo’s, which take the music to a new level. A lot of effort was put into creating an integrated whole. For more magic, string players were invited. Classical percussion was added by as well. But don’t worry, there’s still time to dance! The record gives enough funky freshness.
Sinds hun oprichting in september 2014 gaat het hard met de Rotterdamse fusionband Marutyri. Een jaar later wonnen zij de NPO Radio 6 Soul & Jazz Award voor het beste nieuwe talent, speelden zij op het North Sea Jazz Festival, en waren meerdere keren te zien bij De Wereld Draait Door. Een overtuigend bewijs dat wij hier met een hardwerkende band te maken hebben. De leden hebben elkaar leren kennen op het Codarts conservatorium in Rotterdam en zijn daar allemaal afgestudeerd. Inner Movements klinkt als een eerbetoon aan de jazzfunk van de vorige eeuw. Het verhalende aspect doet aan de epische stukken van Chick Corea denken, de wat meer op funk gebaseerde jazzfunk herinnert aan The Crusaders, het gladdere aspect brengt het GRP-label van Dave Grusin in gedachten, en de rauwere kant verwijst naar het werk van Billy Cobham toen hij begin jaren 70 bij Atlantic had getekend. Al deze variatie maakt van Inner Movements een intrigerend debuutalbum. Hier gaan we nog heel veel meer van horen. (AD)
Die Instrumental-Fusion-Band Marutyri aus Rotterdam erfüllt sich mit ihrem ersten Studioalbum 'Inner Movements' einen Lebenstraum. Das Album erzählt die Geschichte der Band, eine Geschichte voll Veränderungen: Die Musiker lernten 2011 sich während des Studiums am Codarts Conservatory in Rotterdam kennen und nach mehreren verschiedenen Projekten, in denen sie einzeln ihren Weg suchten, gründeten sie 2014 die Band Marutyri. Von da an ging alles sehr schnell: Ein Auftritt beim North Sea Jazz Festival 2015, Auftritte im niederländischen Fernsehen und der Gewinn des NPO Radio 6 Soul & Jazz Award für Best Talent. Ihre erste EP 'The Tribe' erhielt ausschließlich gute Kritiken.

Mit 'Inner Movements' entführen Marutyri den Hörer aber auch in ein neues Kapitel der eigenen Geschichte: Zu finden sind neue Kompositionen, die orchestraler, heftiger und düsterer daherkommen als die Songs, die man bisher von der Band kannte. Zusätzlich hat sich die Band Streicher und einen klassisch ausgebildeten Percussionisten eingeladen, um die Magie noch besser einfangen zu können. Doch keine Angst, das Album bietet immer noch genug Momente zum Tanzen!



“Why don’t we start a fusion project?” These words were spoken as long ago as September 2014 by a group of friends in Rotterdam. They live together as friends, which they’d become at the Conservatory in Rotterdam. They share a passion for the beauty and complexity of jazz/fusion music, and they took a shot at it by starting their own band: Marutyri was born. They’ve set out a few deadlines for themselves to produce their first EP called The First One. This EP was shot entirely on live video and contained three self-written compositions. After the release, the band started giving their first performances around the local scene. Soon the band started building up an audience, and the comments were...

“Why don’t we start a fusion project?” These words were spoken as long ago as September 2014 by a group of friends in Rotterdam. They live together as friends, which they’d become at the Conservatory in Rotterdam. They share a passion for the beauty and complexity of jazz/fusion music, and they took a shot at it by starting their own band: Marutyri was born. They’ve set out a few deadlines for themselves to produce their first EP called The First One. This EP was shot entirely on live video and contained three self-written compositions. After the release, the band started giving their first performances around the local scene. Soon the band started building up an audience, and the comments were enthusiastic.
Marutyri kept on performing and writing new material and in the spring of 2015 they recorderd their second EP The Tribe. Again three brand new pieces and a bonus track were brought out on CD and as live videos. During that summer, the band played at the famous North Sea Jazz Festival where they received overwhelming energy from the crowd. The Tribe was fully sold out and the band received a lot of great reviews. Marutyri - at first it was a name that didn’t trip off the tongue, but soon people started remembering it.
In the winter of 2015, Marutyri went to the Rocktown Studio in Rotterdam to record their first full length album Inner Movements. A nine piece concept album with funky grooves, smaller and bigger sounding compositions and story-telling solos. In April 2016, they released the album by courtesy of Challenge Records, having an album release party at Bird Rotterdam and playing to a packed venue. An album release tour through the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany followed. In December 2016, the band went on their first intercontinental tour through Asia, visiting China and Malaysia. In Malaysia, they played at the internationally renowned Penang Jazz Festival. After their return home they went back into the rehearsal room to work on a bunch of freshly written compositions.
In May 2017, Marutyri returned to the Rocktown Studio to record Creation of the Invisible, their second full length album. Inner Movements received an Edison nomination for Best Jazz Album National.


Benjamin Herman (saxophone)

Benjamin Herman (9-5-1968) started playing the saxophone when he was twelve. Now, more than 20 years later, he has made a fantastic career and is considered to be Holland’s pride and joy on the saxophone. Not only did he start the successfull New Cool Collective and the New Cool Collective Big Band, he also performed all over the world with many great artists like a.o. Candy Dulfer, Michiel Borstlap, Saskia Laroo, Fra Fra Big Band, Rein de Graaf, Jesse van Ruller, Jazz Orchestra of the Concertgebouw, Idris Muhammad, Larry Goldings, Misha Mengelberg en The MetropoolOrchestra
Benjamin Herman (9-5-1968) started playing the saxophone when he was twelve. Now, more than 20 years later, he has made a fantastic career and is considered to be Holland’s pride and joy on the saxophone. Not only did he start the successfull New Cool Collective and the New Cool Collective Big Band, he also performed all over the world with many great artists like a.o. Candy Dulfer, Michiel Borstlap, Saskia Laroo, Fra Fra Big Band, Rein de Graaf, Jesse van Ruller, Jazz Orchestra of the Concertgebouw, Idris Muhammad, Larry Goldings, Misha Mengelberg en The MetropoolOrchestra

Roy Gielesen (percussion)

Dennis te Woerd (saxophone)

Floris Windey (trumpet)

Yiannis Marinos (trombone)

Lidwine Dam (viola)

Thomas Pol (double bass)

Els Verbruggen (trombone)


Dennis te Woerd (saxophone)


''Music that has its own idendity. Maryturi sounds like a well-oiled machine that has got a beautiful future laid out for them''
Jazzenzo, 17-6-2016

"This Rotterdam-based band is one of the hottest acts of a new fusion-scene."
Jazzthing, 01-6-2016

The début album ‘Inner Movements’ is full of indispensable grooves that are peppered with funky (beautifully arranged) brass riffs, with fine keyboards & Hammond organ, complemented with funky Fender guitar and sparkling percussion.
Music Frames, 19-5-2016

''Inner Movements is a great jazzrock album from Holland''
Popunie, 20-4-2016

Concert review
JazzNu, 10-4-2016

Play album Play album
(Rik van der Ouw) Marutyri, Rik van der Ouw, Ruud van Halder, Thijmen Oberink , Maurice Slot , Roy Gielesen, Dennis te Woerd, Floris Windey , Yiannis Marinos, Jasper van Rosmalen, Pablo Kleinsmann, Lidwine Dam, Sebastiaan van den Bergh, Thomas Pol, Els Verbruggen
Inner Movements
(Rik van der Ouw, Thijmen Oberink) Marutyri, Rik van der Ouw, Ruud van Halder, Thijmen Oberink , Maurice Slot , Roy Gielesen, Dennis te Woerd, Floris Windey , Yiannis Marinos, Jasper van Rosmalen, Pablo Kleinsmann, Lidwine Dam, Sebastiaan van den Bergh, Thomas Pol, Els Verbruggen
Stellar Kid
(Rik van der Ouw, Maurice Slot) Marutyri, Rik van der Ouw, Ruud van Halder, Thijmen Oberink , Maurice Slot , Roy Gielesen, Dennis te Woerd, Floris Windey , Yiannis Marinos, Jasper van Rosmalen, Pablo Kleinsmann, Lidwine Dam, Sebastiaan van den Bergh, Thomas Pol, Els Verbruggen
(Rik van der Ouw, Ruud van Halder) Marutyri, Rik van der Ouw, Ruud van Halder, Thijmen Oberink , Maurice Slot , Roy Gielesen, Dennis te Woerd, Floris Windey , Yiannis Marinos, Jasper van Rosmalen, Pablo Kleinsmann, Lidwine Dam, Sebastiaan van den Bergh, Thomas Pol, Els Verbruggen
(Rik van der Ouw) Marutyri, Rik van der Ouw, Ruud van Halder, Thijmen Oberink , Maurice Slot , Roy Gielesen, Dennis te Woerd, Floris Windey , Yiannis Marinos, Jasper van Rosmalen, Pablo Kleinsmann, Lidwine Dam, Sebastiaan van den Bergh, Thomas Pol, Els Verbruggen
The Feeling of Unity
(Rik van der Ouw, Dennis te Woerd) Marutyri, Rik van der Ouw, Ruud van Halder, Thijmen Oberink , Maurice Slot , Roy Gielesen, Dennis te Woerd, Floris Windey , Yiannis Marinos, Jasper van Rosmalen, Pablo Kleinsmann, Lidwine Dam, Sebastiaan van den Bergh, Thomas Pol, Els Verbruggen
Last Minute
(Rik van der Ouw) Marutyri, Rik van der Ouw, Ruud van Halder, Thijmen Oberink , Maurice Slot , Roy Gielesen, Dennis te Woerd, Floris Windey , Yiannis Marinos, Jasper van Rosmalen, Pablo Kleinsmann, Lidwine Dam, Sebastiaan van den Bergh, Thomas Pol, Els Verbruggen, Benjamin Herman
City Streets
(Rik van der Ouw, Thijmen Oberink, Ruud van Halder) Marutyri, Rik van der Ouw, Ruud van Halder, Thijmen Oberink , Maurice Slot , Roy Gielesen, Dennis te Woerd, Floris Windey , Yiannis Marinos, Jasper van Rosmalen, Pablo Kleinsmann, Lidwine Dam, Sebastiaan van den Bergh, Thomas Pol, Els Verbruggen

Often bought together with..

Creation of the Invisible
The Triolithic
Dominic J. Marshall
Tokyo's Bad Boys
Joris Posthumus Group
Dear John (vinyl)
Jan Van Duikeren’s JVD4
Erwin Schulhoff
Forbidden Music
Daahoud Salim

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